Guild icon
info / announcements
Cousin Bongo Bongo Bongo 24/12/2018 01:56
@everyone New Rule under Discord Rules please adhere.
Brother Fruit 24/12/2018 01:57
Please no posting of personal info of fellow brothers. This includes Pictures.
Brother Fruit 01/01/2019 00:36
made some changes to emotes and roles, removed several to tidy up and to reduce some of the old memes and inside jokes so it's less confusing and more of a blank slate for new people coming in
bluepill 1
no 2
hellno 1
slung 1
🇼 1
🇹 1
🇫 1
jeff 2
Brother Fruit 01/01/2019 14:50
Region names restored to former meme status
Brother Entropy 06/01/2019 10:02
Optional application you can give this to people with potential that are not very known to most of the group this may be used to get someone to vouch or to get a person approved theres not really an appropriate channel that initiates can see where i can throw this, so its here for now
Welcome to our discord! We're looking for quality people interested in the game and the group so fill out this application and make sure to have a working mic so we can further get to know you. Be aware: filling out this application doesn't guarantee that you'll become a spaw...
👍 3
Brother Fruit 07/01/2019 04:13
I've posted my rewritten version of the rules since Jumbo appears to have deleted his (edited)
Brother Fruit 07/01/2019 04:43
read them please, they are short @SpawnMason
Brother Fruit 08/01/2019 07:32
Application made compulsory and posted in #rules
HermeticLock 08/01/2019 08:07
01010100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 01110011 00101110 00100000 01010000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110100 01110101 01101110 01100101 01100100 00101110 00100000
redpill 2
bluepill 4
Brother Fruit 08/01/2019 08:10
49 20 74 68 69 6E 6B 20 79 6F 75 20 67 75 79 73 20 77 69 6C 6C 20 65 6E 6A 6F 79 20 69 74 2E 20 53 4D 49 42 2E
smib 2
HermeticLock 10/01/2019 22:41
Changes to the Group & A New Direction for the SpawnMasons Our mission is to reinvigorate the group and encourage growth and development by recruiting new members that are mature and enjoyable to talk and play with. We hope to bring back the former activity of the group in game and make the group once again a noticeable presence on the server. This will begin with changes to the way the group is organized, switching from everyone as SpawnMason rank to the new ranks: 1st degree, 1°, for Masons from Feb 2017 – Aug 2017; 2nd degree, 2°, for Masons from Sep 2017 – Jan 2019 (everyone in the discord now) and; 3rd degree, 3°, for all of the players who are initiated in this new rendition of the SpawnMasons we are making. You can a combination of these ranks predicated on what periods you were part of the Masons. Everyone in attendance at the next meeting will be initiated into 3° with a different initiation than that which is used for new brothers. 3° will be the current representatives of the SpawnMasons and will have the SpawnMason rank as well as 3°. Players who are inactive in either discord or with us in-game with 1° and 2° will not have the SpawnMason rank and only have access to #general-20190912 text and voice channels. If you miss the first meeting of 3°, you can attend a meeting at any point and be initiated into 3°, no vote involved. This is so any currently inactive Mason has the option to rejoin, giving them a second chance. However, we will be cracking down on inactive members in 3° and any members who turn up to a meeting just to get initiated but are still obviously inactive in discord or indifferent to activities in-game will be demoted from Spawnmason rank. We want active members so the people around can participate in activities together without the group having a dead feeling, so those who aren’t involved will be the 1° and 2° honorary members. (edited)
  • To reinvigorate the group, we will be putting fresh blood into circulation in the form of people seen on 2b2t to be active, mature and nice. Application committee membership has been reformed to be more constricted, as to only involve those who care to get to know new initiates, though all people with SpawnMason rank will still be able to view the discussion in the application committee channel so the decisions made by the committee are still in the best interests of everyone as a whole. We aim to have at least 2 initiations per meeting for the next few weeks leading eventually to the goal of up to 25% the number of current SpawnMasons new. If you wish to invite anyone, contact a worshipful for an invite link to the discord. Some strategies for recruitment and getting to know new players we will be using are:
  • A spawn base which we can invite initiates to and get to know them while we play with them, similar to the skybase we previously did at spawn, where we got to know mothra
  • Getting to know other small groups on the server to scout for potential members, similar to how I previously recruited Ain and Casparov.
  • The standard of entry won’t be lowered to accept new members, and all members will be vetted thoroughly so as to allow no shitters into our ranks, however we do ask that you be accepting of the new people joining if they aren’t as experienced on 2b2t or as knowledgeable as you are. Most of us had misconceptions when we joined the group which were quickly blasted out of the water, so be understanding if an initiate has some bluepilled ideas about 2b2t and factions on 2b2t because of playing in isolation and the server being full of cunts that make it hard to establish what’s fact or just a meme. A recruit can more easily be redpilled with time than their personality fixed if they are a shitter. More meme ranks and emotes can be added after inviting new members, to be formed organically from whatever memes come up, so the latest brothers are included in the inside jokes. We’ll try to be completely transparent with any further with changes and proposals through the #announcements channel.
pikoh 5
smib 7
spawnmason 6
HermeticLock 10/01/2019 22:43
HermeticLock 10/01/2019 23:18
We will be discussing these things more in depth and getting all of your feedback at the next meeting. See #lodge-time
Brother Fruit 10/01/2019 23:58
1st and 2nd Degrees will also have access to #smibling-chat which will be exclusive to past and present Masons only
HermeticLock 12/01/2019 10:03
@SpawnMason We will be transitioning everyone to the third degree tomorrow during the meeting. In order to receive the third degree you must show up. We will likely hold a short buffer period for those of you who cannot make this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, but do note that very soon this change will be in effect. All who show up will most certainly enjoy the new ceremony/degree that we have made for you. We hope that this will bring a fruitful revival to SpawnMasonry. More to come during the meeting tomorrow. 😃 (edited)
spawnmason 4
HermeticLock 13/01/2019 00:15
Welcome our new brothers @Bromger Boomerang @TheMilkManMike and @Deleted User
memearrow 2
smib 4
spawnmason 9
Brother Fruit 14/01/2019 02:20
TL;DR of Recent Changes
  • Degrees mark iterations of the SpawnMasons: 1st is original, 2nd is remade after the great kick, 3rd is the current set of reforms
  • Everyone with 1st or 2nd Degree can get 3rd Degree, new Masons will start on the 3rd Degree
  • The SpawnMason rank will now be tied to in-game activity, this means participating in meetings, bases, and projects
  • Inactive Masons will lose SpawnMason rank but keep their Degrees, allowing them to participate in Discord.
  • After the next meeting, those who still have not attended a meeting to receive the 3rd Degree will lose SpawnMason rank until they do so
Brother Fruit 14/01/2019 02:20
Brother Fruit 14/01/2019 02:31
If you are unable to attend meetings but are otherwise active, we could potentially initiate you to the third degree at a makeshift meeting
HermeticLock 14/01/2019 03:57
I think that maybe it’s not incredibly clear so I’ll write here. We have a spawnbase for SpawnMasons called club 33! Check the pinned messages in #club-33 @SpawnMason
Brother Fruit 20/01/2019 16:13
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT — PLEASE READ @2 There was some confusion about the transition to 3° yesterday. Anyone demoted can get their SpawnMason rank back by going to an initiation at a meeting. No vote required, just turn up one week. If you can't make a regular meeting, message a Worshipful to schedule a makeshift meeting at Club 33 If you are still inactive after being initiated into 3°, you will lose SpawnMason rank again after around 3 weeks at the Worshipfuls' discretion. (edited)
2⃣ 4
1⃣ 4
4⃣ 4
7⃣ 4
Brother Fruit 30/01/2019 19:07
@SpawnMason The End is back open, but portals don’t seem to be regenerating properly. If you want to move an alt in there and leave it, feel free to do so (quickly) but we are planning to put an End base on hold until we get elytras back. Stay tuned, we will have more to announce at the next meeting
HermeticLock 07/02/2019 16:44
@SpawnMason Things are stagnant mostly because they need to be. 1.13 is like a week or so away. It’s not worth starting a new base until then, and then we can venture outward to the new seas, and claim our tridents and farm turtles. For now if you need something to do, there’s little projects being done in #club-33
thistbh 3
smib 1
spawnmason 2
HermeticLock 23/02/2019 21:52
@SpawnMason tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of the first meeting of the SpawnMasons. Feb. 23rd I created the discord and later that night initiated jumbo warrior. He in turn, initiated me. I set out with aid of many of you to create a new system on 2b2t where relationships mattered, and where rules could easily change. Lodge meetings and initiations are what make this group unique and give it its charm. We truly aim to welcome new members in and make them feel like they’ve joined a community by being present and giving them unique experiences. Just in case you aren’t cut up from the last meeting, we are bringing the old ceremony back. Action Item: For fun, please write in #anniversary-channel what you remember of your initiation day, and your feelings about coming into the group at the time, and any extra thoughts you have. (edited)
@here happy SMIBiversary!
🍰 3
smib 2
upboat 8
Brother Entropy 25/02/2019 16:41
@SpawnMason We are in a conflict of interests and want the group to be a bunch of friends that can discuss opinions without making a whole 400 lines of drama on it On a trial for Frankfurt, as requested last meeting: Everyone can send ONE message to me with your coherent opinion on the status of frankfurt, with which we will see how to proceed (edited)
brownpill 1
Brother Fruit 04/03/2019 00:53
@everyone @1 @2 @3 @SpawnMason IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT There is currently someone doxxing and blackmailing SpawnMason leadership. We have a few ideas of whom it may be, but that’s not very important. I strongly urge you all to please secure your information, and to try and “dox yourself” to find any weak points. First things first is to try to delete or at least secure social media like Facebook, set everything to private. If anyone needs help PM me or another Worshipful and we’ll try to help as best we can
smib 4
birdup 2
Brother Fruit 12/03/2019 03:25
@everyone If you haven’t heard by now (shame on you) we’ve started a new base, with a twist! You have to start from nothing, no duped items, just vanilla gameplay. If you don’t want to do that, you don’t have to come. If that sounds interesting and fun to you, PM a worshipful and we’ll hook you up with coords. (edited)
Brother Fruit 17/03/2019 17:29
@SpawnMason We are currently still holding meeting times at 22:00 UTC, which for Americans is one hour later (American DST kicked in). I’m posting a poll below. React with ⬆ if you’d like to shift up the meeting time by an hour hold the meeting an hour earlier React with no if you don’t want to change the meeting time React with ❔ if you want to change the meeting time in another way (edited)
⬆ 11
❔ 2
no 10
Brother Entropy 17/03/2019 21:08
(if you are neutral between shifting up or keeping then you can vote both)
Brother Fruit 17/03/2019 21:59
@everyone I’ve been informed that my wording might have been confusing for non-native English speakers: The ⬆ option would make the meeting an hour earlier than it currently is
Brother Entropy 02/04/2019 01:54
Moving forward, we will be running the group in a style closer to that of the 1st degree, where Worshipfuls will take necessary action when it is needed, without a vote. We are looking to put and end to the endless and unproductive political debate at meetings, which only serves to further divide and fracture the group, and shift discussion to projects and people. Any major change made can be revisited if the vast majority of the group is seriously unhappy, but we urge you to wait and see the impact of a change before crying foul. For now, we are introducing the Applicant Council. In selecting members for the council, we were careful to include active members from each degree of the SpawnMasons as well as ensure differing opinions were equally represented. They will be in charge of answering the question "will this person fit into the group?" based on their personal assessment and the input of everyone's opinion in #applicant-committee.
Brother Fruit 13/04/2019 23:25
I’m leaving, Terbin is taking my place. Trust him.
🦍 3
jeff 2
vel 1
epic 1
🇨 3
🇺 3
🇲 3
🦀 4
yes 1
🖖 1
yeshello 1
smib 2
greensmib 4
omga 1
empic 1
no 9
brownpill 2
Brother Entropy 01/05/2019 23:03
May Autistralia rest in peace; people are kind of busy making maps right now; a new base is planned after that
greensmib 2
brother terbin 04/05/2019 22:53
@everyone Spawnmason archive server is now online. use /warps to pull up the GUI @Bromger Boomerang's Arena is online on with some commmand block magic. I will let Brother Boomerang explain how it works. just post your IGN in #creative to get whitelisted (edited)
yes 2
🇳 1
ℹ 1
🇨 1
🇪 1
🇯 1
🇴 1
🇧 1
🅱 1
🇷 1
🅾 1
🇸 1
🇰 1
🇮 1
brother terbin 19/05/2019 01:00
@everyone Brothers, Sisters I have promoted Brothers Jordan, Ufo and Giganox to worshipful rank - worshipfuls are the ones who play this game and actually place blocks. Brothers ufo and Jordan are the two people who are good at getting shit done and are heavily invested in this group. Giganox is more of the quiet type but he is active all the time and plays almost every day, he has been nominated for worshipful before but it drowned in all the noise. Whenever he says something at meetings it is something of value. With a lack of projects and Todarac's being far on the horizon, we need something to do and people want to do something. I feel Entropy, Jordan, Ufo and Giganox and Terbin are the right choice for this. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
omga 2
😹 1
doggo 2
🇾 2
🇮 2
🇰 2
🇪 2
🇸 2
bluepill 2
greensmib 4
Brother Oppenheimer 19/05/2019 14:07
@everyone I would like to propose that we remove the worshipful roll. The worshipful roll serves no purpose other than to cause discontent among fellow brothers. I would like to propose a new layout for this discord. Server owner - Entropy (server admin roll automatically) Server admin x3 - To be decide by a simple group vote (active spawnmasons) (no private chat like the worshipful as it wont be needed) Lodge leader - The person creating the weeks lodge had this roll and leads the meeting, they can preform the initiations and come up with there own agender for the meetings then open it to the rest of the group for any additional agender points. (assigned to a new person every week at each meeting) (if they do not want to lead the meeting they can nominate someone else) Base Leader - To be assigned to people creating/running bases If the group dose not feel they would like to move forward with the removal of the worshipful roll I will support this I just feel like it creates more drama than its worth. Me, UFO and Giganox should all have our worshipful rolls removed or all be voted on at the next meeting. This is my only act as an un voted worshipful.
🇾 4
🇪 4
🇸 4
😹 2
brownpill 1
no 7
yes 8
Brother Entropy 19/05/2019 14:10
#spawnmason Brother JordanToday at 15:10 Think about what I posted in announcements and DM me with any thoughts & we can discuss it at the next meeting (edited)
HermeticLock 22/05/2019 23:37 perm link for boosting scouts
slung 1
foolz 2
no 1
pepsi 1
HermeticLock 01/06/2019 01:52
New lodges page : Hopefully a better chart experience.
@everyone (edited)
Brother Entropy 02/06/2019 11:07
If you want to bring up something big that you want changed then tell us before the meeting so we can put it on the agenda and talk about it we will either be able to solve it before the meeting even starts, or the discussion will already have happened so we can do quick recap and vote I think everyone wants a meeting to be more about coming together and have some fun rather than arguing block game politics also; just play the game
greensmib 7
HermeticLock 12/06/2019 23:48
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Do not set channel topics to Coords. Some discord mods let you see hidden channels and what their topics are.
🇴 3
🇱 3
🇩 3
🇳 3
🇪 3
🇼 3
🇸 3
🆗 1
brother noname 26/06/2019 02:49
@everyone if you are dealing with depression and feel the need this is the suicide prevention hotline. 1-800-273-8255. as @_m_o_t_h_r_a_ said "As someone who has dealt with depression, but am in a good place now, I know that situations like this can be very hard for people who are currently struggling" don't hesitate to call the number or reach out to me or @_m_o_t_h_r_a_ if you want to talk
🙏 8
x420 5
🇼 1
🇭 1
🇴 1
🇱 1
🇪 1
🇸 1
🅾 1
🇲 2
HermeticLock 28/06/2019 16:54
I’d love to know how you think the group is going, and any suggestions you may have. Please feel free to DM me sometime today with your thoughts on anything spawnmason related. Good or bad, I’d like to hear it.
Brother Todarac 18/08/2019 00:38
@here Anyone who boosts the server to 10 boosts will get the opposite of the On Trial rank: "Off Trial"
HermeticLock 26/08/2019 22:52
Why are worshipfuls blue? We’re going way back to our roots.
smib 6
Signs written Feb 10th 2017. (edited)
👌 2
Brother Entropy 12/09/2019 19:13
Just cloning general and archiving the old one with read access theres like 2 years of weird shit in there that is possibly not following TOS and its too much deleting history to clean it up and i dont want to worry about it everytime we invite a guest
smshirt 4
vines 4
spawnmason 9
HermeticLock 16/11/2019 23:17
happy 100.
💯 20
🇪 5
🇵 5
🇮 5
🇨 5
x420 3
im_stuff 4
why_is_steve_a_pig 4
steve_your_sister_is_awesome 4
alex_omg_no 4
catsunglasses 5
greensmib 6
redsmib 6
smib 6
2747_PartyParrot 5
CrabRave3 3
epic 4
smibcoin 5
spawnmason 7
100 7
HermeticLock 06/01/2020 00:38
New awards added: Hearty congratulations to brother leijurv catsunglasses and brother BoomerangeVillage Torogadude Also, we are now displaying the most recent awards at the top. (edited)
spawnmason 6
Brother Entropy 23/02/2020 16:51
Lodgechat got restricted If you're inactive then you're still welcome but youll have to ask people for coords
greensmib 3
HermeticLock 25/02/2020 06:59
@everyone Happy three year anniversary everyone. We’ve really come a long way. #anniversary-channel is back. Please share your favorite memory of this year. You can use screenshots, etc. but keep it one message per person if we can.
❤️ 7
greensmib 5
spawnmason 5
HermeticLock 25/02/2020 07:42
This year I am most thankful for the exceptional new brothers we’ve added to the group.
❤️ 6
Brother Entropy 01/03/2020 00:15
Were not sure whats going on with the account stuff but it may be safer to not log out at your important stash / base (edited)
Brother Entropy 01/03/2020 00:41
Ok this is all very scary stuff and its only getting worse every hour i see people realising their account was logged on without them knowing Dont log out close to your dear stuff It looks like this shit is across all servers and people - not just 2b (edited)
Changing passwords may help but thats not even sure #journal for details
Brother Entropy 01/04/2020 14:31
Дорогие товарищи! Российские хакеры убедили нас в своих политических убеждениях, и теперь мы будем делиться всем как равные братья.
👍 2
HermeticLock 02/04/2020 21:51
Changed the channel names back. If I screwed one up let me or one of the other worshipfuls know.
mcheart 5
Brother Entropy 07/07/2020 19:17
me ufo lamp and leijurv got highest % and are thus worshipful we can think about how to pick our poison in a month, i dont like seeing people be voted on well and not get it lol
vel 1
Brother Entropy 30/07/2020 19:08
excitecadance 5
mcheart 4
Brother Entropy 30/10/2020 23:05
be there if you can; we meet a couple hours after this (edited)
Future #announcements SERVER 16/11/2020 16:32
@everyone Update 2.10 - 1.12.2 Improved combat features. Improved Speed mode Strafe. Improved performance. Added Exploit and Remount to BoatFly. Strict is for 2b2t and Strong is for Constantiam, either one works for any other server. Added GhostFix to FastPlace. This is useful on some servers for using xp bottles & boats. Added Strict mode to Jesus. Works on 2b2t on foot and rideable animals. Added NCPStrict mode to Criticals. This is for 2b2t and similar servers with strict NCP. Added StrafeStrict mode to Speed. This is for 2b2t and similar servers with strict NCP. Added AutoDisable to LongJump. Read the changelog for more. Changelog: Installer: Bug reports & feature requests:
Future client is a Minecraft runtime injection client which currently supports 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2 and 1.8.9.
Brother Entropy 22/11/2020 10:43
Table of active trivia ish channels
#cooking: sm + init + override #nature: sm + init + override #hedge-fund: brother + guest #music: brother + init + override #wiki-wars: brother + guest #pets: brother + guest #creative: brother + override #tech-masons: override #hä: sm + start #cmds (stats): brother
popstonia 2
overfloyd 1
minecraftheart 2
broder lampa 30/11/2020 12:01
server not for anime
smib 8
transpooki 2
sips 2
abstain_neutral 1
Brother Entropy 09/12/2020 18:48
Henry and I rewrote #rules and it looks better now also like explains things a lot more content and meaning havent really changed
smib 4
Brother Entropy 13/12/2020 13:33
Your presence / last days additions are requested at next weeks lodge site where the meeting will happen on Friday 18th instead you know who to talk to
broder lampa 23/12/2020 12:55
😂 6
smibcoin 6
🔢 5
_eqd 6
_eqa 6
_eqy 6
_eqs 6
bcaMusicDJ 6
bcaDancingMusic 6
minecraftheart 4
pepmason 1
brother noname 25/12/2020 13:04
merry smibmas @everyone
yes 9
redsmib 11
smile 8
spawnmason 8
🥰 5
minecraftheart 9
catmasonshow 2
abstain_neutral 1
brother noname 07/02/2021 00:30
popstonia hacked message:
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2b2t Popstonia DVD + 2x holographic sticker (2builders2tools) at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many products!
🇭 2
🇦 2
popstonia 4
🇪 2
🇽 2
🇩 2
brother noname 25/02/2021 01:48
happy 4th birthday of the SpawnMasons! @everyone
smiling_cat_with_3_hearts 18
greensmib 17
redsmib 14
mango 12
smib 13
AnglerCatFlushedFish 11
catmasonshow 11
😻 12
catflushed_BOLD 9
spawnmason 9
🍌 6
abstain_neutral 5
ladder 4
vines 8
popstonia1 3
🪃 1
🇸 4
🇲 4
🇮 4
🇧 4
Brother leijurv 27/02/2021 21:36
pokedex 591
bruh 1
ufo 1
brother noname 09/03/2021 13:11 is up and on 1.16 @everyone #temp-map (edited)
💩 4
Brother Entropy 13/05/2021 20:35
Its safe to assume that there is some sort of invisibility and/or pearl tracking exploit being used So when you travel away from spawn keep switching dimensions (less than 128 times) to shake anyone off (edited)
mdma 10
Brother leijurv 05/07/2021 06:00
wow we have 100mb upload limit now
make good use of it
Brother Todarac 10/07/2021 22:54
Happy National Kitten Day!!! cathearthow cathearthow 😻 catflushed_sakamoto
catmasonshow 6
😻 6
🇨 7
🇦 7
🇹 7
fuzzy 3
Brother leijurv 16/07/2021 02:27
exploit is patched as of the restart 12 minutes ago
mdma 9
Brother Todarac 22/07/2021 21:51
mdma 9
bluepill 1
Brother leijurv 23/07/2021 07:29
mandatory homework assignment for the class: kittens must watch the fitmc video before lodge on saturday!!!!!!
OK 6
mdma 2
Brother Entropy 24/10/2021 18:00
Nothing super important below (Something like this would’ve fit better at the 200th lodge, where Todarat did something similar, but I was abit too late there.) This group has been going for almost 5 years now, during which people met at 200 201 lodges built just for the occasion. This used to be a collection of well-known / talented players, inviting people swiftly and not worrying too much about the far future. But through the years, I feel like it has turned into more of an actual brotherhood, where we really take good care of adding people, listen to each other, and maintain our small but strong set of people. Many groups have come and gone in the time we were just chilling here. I’m not sure why this group manages to last. Maybe it’s the way we bias towards older / long-time players on 2b. Maybe it’s the never-ending care of the people that stick around. Maybe we’re all just way too addicted to this autistic block game. What matters is that we’re still here and still doing shit. Over the years there have been ups and downs, both with the server and with the masons, but I think we’re doing really well right now. This group has made quite the name for itself just by doing what it wants to do. Even though we have drifted more towards the building side of things, we are still not just a building group. When I put in effort, it’s because I am proud to make a contribution, and proud to be part of the brotherhood, and I hope you all feel the same way. This group is nothing more than the people that are making it happen. I hope you’re all happy, motivated, and maybe still here in 5 more years. spawnmason
cathearthow 20
forevermasons 13
catflushed 5
heart 6
😈 1
⭕ 1
🇼 1
🇴 1
Brother leijurv 09/12/2021 21:55
@everyone actually don't log in to any minecraft server
mdma 7
popstonia 4
troll 5
PopcornThinking 4
sips 1
DarkTroll 1
see #announcements in the papermc discord
Brother leijurv 09/12/2021 22:13
someone can send a message in chat and if your client sees it, your client will run arbitrary code that they have written, such as a rat / virus
search all your log files from all time for jndi:ldap (case insensitive)
🇾 4
🇮 5
🇰 4
🇪 4
🇸 4
broder lampa 10/12/2021 18:42
2b2t is back up - exploit not fixed, don't log in
Brother Entropy 10/12/2021 22:04
Can literally everyone who plays minecraft do whats pinned in #deleted-channel thanks
Brother Entropy 11/12/2021 13:45
So at this point people are using this to steal tokens and log into ppls minecraft/discord accounts Hauses fix is easy to bypass. Either fix java and forge clientside or dont start minecraft at all
CLIENT PATCH 1. Shut down your client 2. Update FORGE if you use forge to the newest version 3. *If you use MultiMC*; Restarting should fix the underlying, but i would still update forge as well 4. Make sure you dont have a crazy old java install (I have jre1.8.0311, which is the newest 1.8). Just update your java. _The proxy will be proofed to deal with this as much as possible, but still fix your own client to be absolutely safe IDIOT TEST: 1. Start Minecraft with logs 2. Go to singleplayer 3. Type ${date:yyyy-MM-dd} in chat 4. Check the logs window: :eq::eq:- if ${date:yyyy-MM-dd} appears you are most likely safe :eq::eq:- if 2021-12-11 appears you are potentially not safe BONUS TESTS: 1. Type ${jndi:ldap://}, if your game or chat lags you are potentially not safe 2. If you are sure you're patched correctly, type ${jndi:ldap://}, if your game or chat freezes you are definitely not safe
broder lampa 17/12/2021 19:58
Just escaped the ez 2b2t with @tommyinnit @Ph1LzA and @jschlatt wow this server is so fun!
Bruh moment
brother noname 25/12/2021 14:20
merry Christmas!!!! to my smibling family!!!
redsmib 4
greensmib 4
lilsmib 4
🎄 3
🎅 3
minecraftheart 4
Brother Todarac 04/01/2022 00:59
@SpawnMason The 3rd Annual "𝒯𝑜𝓅 𝒮𝓅𝒶𝓌𝓃𝑀𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝒹𝑔𝑒𝓈" vote is finally here! (Sorry it took so long) Please see this message and read the info: If you can not see the channel history press ctrl-r and click on the link above, I just restored people's access to the channel (edited)
Brother Todarac 04/01/2022 19:11
@SpawnMason For the FIRST time ever, in an unprecedented move, there has been an emoji added to the lodge vote. That emoji is: cathearthow Best Fun Times!!! I originally removed it to keep the vote concise, but upon sleeping on it, it felt like there really should have been a category for this. There was no other option that could substitute as well. I will probably leave the vote going until the end of the next meeting, so you guys can take your time!
cathearthow 5
Brother Todarac 06/01/2022 23:54
Reminder: 2 more days
🇺 3
🇷 2
Ⓜ️ 3
⭕ 2
🇲 3
Brother Todarac 14/01/2022 19:15
Happy Feast of the Ass Day™️
The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum, asinaria festa; French: Fête de l'âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on 14 January, celebrating the Flight into Egypt. It was celebrated primarily in France, as a by-product of the Feast of Fools celebrating the donkey-related stories in the Bible, in particular the donkey bearing the Holy...
🐴 4
🇬 2
🇦 2
🇾 2
catflushed_help 1
ass 2
AmongAss 3
Brother leijurv 14/01/2022 19:19
you would know, todarac (known assfeaster)
brother noname 18/02/2022 02:39
I'm a little bit tipsy
😺 4
redsmib 6
pleading_face_BOLD 2
abstain_neutral 1
Brother Todarac 24/02/2022 18:04
Chris Chan just turned 40 in prison
owlo 1
babbajghast 1
chance 1
💀 2
MissingTextureBlock 1
OkAnd 1
Brother Todarac 08/04/2022 22:18
Happy Anniversary of Margaret Thatcher's death cathearthow (edited)
chance 2
🟨 2
😂 1
brother noname 17/04/2022 02:25
1057 days, 2 years almost 11 months since i first became worshipful, it's been an honor and privilege to server as worshipful of the Spawnmasons and lead it in to a direction i wanted to see. i'm so glad to have served along side the great other worshipfuls Entropy, Todarac, Leijurv, Lamp, Herm, Giganox, who i all support. through thick and thin we've been through it all and as bittersweet as it is taking some time away i'm happy for new adventures as much as i'd love to stay and continue leading the masons i know deep down i dont need the role to lead the masons and everyeone else should feel this way too. i appreciate the kind gesture of being nominated at lodge it means the world to me. on that note, i'd love to open my spot to new masons to have the honor of leading the group who have more times and maybe will drive the group in new ways that i could have never imagined. i encourge other current and future worshipfuls to do the same. change is always hard but i do believe it's good. i'll be taking a well deserved retirement from my role, maybe showing up to lodges, starting new bases after sky inevitably gets greifed, or just plain shitposting constanly in general just know i'll be there. this group has been one of the coolest things to be a part in my life and i hope it continues to be. the spawnmasons have accomplished so much since i first got heres its truly insane. from the logo v1, and then the BIGGER and BADDER logo v2 in itself is a feat. smibville, chunk haven, and sky some of the three coolest bases to be apart of, and countless other amazing lodges and bases inbetween. last note, if in 6 months times shits hit the fan and we do end up revoting (or needing to coup entropy 😈 ) on worshipful again and you guys need me i'll be there, but as i said i truly dont believe you need the role to be a leader in the spawnmasons and even an average guy like me who isnt a good builder and is a little crazy proves it's possible for anyone to be a leader of this this is not a goodbye but a see you later, larpmasons out o7 @everyone
minecraftheart 16
ufo 3
brother noname 19/04/2022 18:36
ufo signing off, its been an honor o7
SocialHug 10
😭 6
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 19/04/2022 22:47
😺 8
👍 3
popstonia1 9
broder lampa 20/04/2022 20:27
(no share) sleepy kitten video (featured in salc1 newest video) but WITH AUDIO!! wow awesome: (edited)
sleepyfoxxo 3
🐈 4
💤 4
catmasonshow 2
dog_dance 1
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 03/05/2022 19:11
⚠️ DISCORD SEX NEW FEATURE 👍 How 2 @discord sex: 😳 1. Open Disocrd on the 🖥 Computer 2. Click GIF picker and send a gif🤔 3. Type in chat: "s/e/x" (without quotes) and SEND 4. ???❓ 5. WTF DISCO??? DISCORD🤨 SEX ??? WTF 😂😂😂 this trick work 2022 100% working discor 😂😂😂
popstonia 12
broder lampa 08/09/2022 18:32
@everyone the queen is dead
💀 15
greensmib 2
CrabRave3 4
😢 1
Brother Oppenheimer 08/09/2022 20:57
God save the King
no 3
👑 4
Brother Entropy 20/10/2022 18:58
React to enlist for 2022 Secret Santa gifts are typically ingame on 2b or low cost irl, due for a lodge around christmas if you join and dont provide a gift for your receiver, we will come steal your pets compiling the list next week or so (edited)
✅ 24
beppill 2
broder lampa 24/12/2022 13:51
God Jul bröder 🧑🏿🎄⛄🦌
🎄 13
mcheart 12
🕎 3
🇳🇴 2
brother noname 25/12/2022 16:59
merry christmas @everyone <3 🎄🎅🌟
minecraftheart 17
🎄 13
cathearthow 7
🇯 1
🇪 1
🅱️ 1
🇺 1
s_ 1
Sus 1
Brother DarkX 31/12/2022 21:59
Lodge meeting in 1 min Just kidding... Happy New Year brothers and guests
catflushed 6
🇧 2
🇷 2
🇺 2
🇭 2
broder lampa 31/12/2022 23:05
🕕 4
minecraftheart 5
🕒 4
Brother Oppenheimer 01/01/2023 00:06
@SpawnMason happy new year!!!
🎉 5
🕖 7
🕓 2
Brother Entropy 07/02/2023 20:28
Happy 2147th day of the spawnmasons meow
😻 20
👍 9
🇭 4
🇮 4
🇰 4
ℹ️ 4
🇹 4
treemc 4
🇪 4
🇳 4
pepmason 5
2️⃣ 5
1️⃣ 5
4️⃣ 5
7️⃣ 5
catflushed 3
lilsmib 3
spawnmason 3
masonpat 3
smib 3
Brother Oppenheimer 07/02/2023 22:00
I loved that lodge!
thistbh 4
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 01/04/2023 00:00
@everyone popstonia1 New popstonia video live!!!
broder lampa 30/04/2023 06:40
@everyone please let @Brother leijurv know how good a kitten he is according to you after hearing the news revealed in this screenshot
cathearthow 21
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 08/05/2023 21:43
brother noname 23/05/2023 02:17
# test
❤️ 4
redpill 2
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 24/05/2023 08:30
😨 4
Brother DarkX 01/06/2023 13:08
@everyone check out Breithan's rusher video
❤️ 2
spawnmason 2
rusherisbreithan 4
🚽 3
🏳️‍🌈 1
broder lampa 01/06/2023 13:09
🦚 1
👍 1
Brother Entropy 11/06/2023 00:39
Tomorrow main server is updating as a testrun assume there are exploits on 1.19 if youre at an important place a day before the map hits, dont login on that account
sharklove 3
🤜 1
🤛 1
Brother DarkX 18/06/2023 14:34
Happy Father's Day to all those mason/guest dads (cats, goats, dogs, sheep, rabbits count as well)
thankyou 5
☝️ 4
babbajghast 1
Brother Entropy 10/07/2023 01:05
May I remind everyone to keep tabs on your login info, 2FA, and backup codes Just use a password manager like bitwarden I dont want more people ending up like capy and breithan just now losing their accounts to this stuff
catflushed_help 5
Brother DarkX 12/08/2023 17:11
Yeah right! Who believes it?
yes 1
🇳 5
🇴 5
🇹 5
no 3
🟦 2
🇲 5
🇪 5
Brother Oppenheimer 13/08/2023 19:31
birdup 4
soontm 6
catflushed_help 2
broder lampa 13/08/2023 19:31
wow so not monday year 2035 take that @Brother Toilet (breithan) (edited)
🇱 5
ℹ️ 5
🇪 7
🇸 5
@Brother Todarac
broder lampa 14/08/2023 20:13
2builders2tools is a minecraft survival server with a world that never resets, with pvp enabled in a free for all environment.
broder lampa 14/08/2023 21:20
ping when server is up
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 14/08/2023 21:51
@everyone Server back up
broder lampa 25/08/2023 10:38
no 6
👀 1
yes 2
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 25/08/2023 10:41
current advice would be to not do too much on 2b the coming days (except if youre building the lodge mdma) in case of a revert, keep some world downloads / screenshots of farm designs in case you want to redo them id also like to know what people voted for (edited)
1️⃣ 3
2️⃣ 18
3️⃣ 6
Brother Entropy 26/08/2023 21:43
2b just updated to 1.19.4 for real @everyone
[HR/PR/G] Rebane v3 26/08/2023 21:45
(just in time for the lodge, what a coincidence)
mdma 6
broder lampa 25/09/2023 12:27 @everyone Make sure to use, not when buying prio, looks like someone sniped the old ip and made phish (edited)
Explore this post and more from the 2b2t_Uncensored community
🎣 3
❤️ 1
broder lampa 25/09/2023 12:41
nvm apparently they're the same thing (0x investigation conclusion) I still wouldn't buy from though lol
redpill 9
Brother Oppenheimer 15/10/2023 18:49
cathearthow 3
letsgo 1
redpill 2
🦀 2
broder lampa 24/12/2023 14:08
Merry Donald Duck
❤️ 1
brother noname 25/12/2023 14:27
merry Christmas everyone from my family to yours :3
🎄 7
cathearthow 9
minecraftheart 2
Brother Oppenheimer 01/01/2024 00:00
@here happy new year!!!!!
🖕 8
cathearthow 5
Brother leijurv 01/01/2024 00:00
wrong time zone DURRRR
smib 11
redpill 8
Brother C₂₄H₂₂O₆ 07/03/2024 16:04

PSA for people with multiple accounts

It appears Microsoft sometimes deletes accounts after 2 years of inactivity. Took a break from Minecraft due to personal issues. Used an external email for my Microsoft account. Tried to log in after 2 years and 4 months, only to discover my Microsoft account was deleted without warning for inactivity, with no chance of recovery. Customer support was unhelpful. Lost access to my Minecraft account, and Microsoft doesn't seem to care. Lesson learned: log in regularly to avoid account deletion. It seems Minecraft doesn't count as a purchase under some circumstances so just be aware. Maybe its also related to this user using a Gmail as his Mail address.
BryceDeyWTF 3
💀 4
broder lampa 17/04/2024 18:25
A website where you can drag in your ReplayMod files from 1.12.2 and see the coordinates of other players.
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